Two Ferguson Cops Shot Over Holder’s Disparate Impact Report

Ferguson, Missouri is back in the news again. Last week the Justice Department released two reports about the Ferguson police department. In one report they completely exonerated Darren Wilson for the death of Michael Brown. Wilson did not shoot Brown in the back, Brown did not have his hands up and Wilson had no racial motivation. In other words, the entire cause for protest in Ferguson was inaccurate, fabricated or an outright lie. The Grand Jury got it right when they didn’t indict Wilson, even Eric Holder’s Justice Department had to acknowledge there were no facts indicating any crime was committed.

It’s the second Justice Department report that is more troubling. In that report apparently two Ferguson offers engaged in racist banter over email. They essentially suggested that abortions reduced Ferguson crime. Margaret Sanger would have agreed. Besides a handful of idiotic emails the best the Justice Department could do was argue the Ferguson Police Department is racist due to “disparate impact.” Around 63% of the population is black, 90% of the arrests made are of black people. For some reason the Justice Department believes this is indicative of racism within the police department. Not surprisingly the question of whether blacks actually commit 90% of the crimes in Ferguson wasn’t asked.

Disparate impact assumes that all people of all races, sexes, religions and creeds will engage in identical conduct and have identical abilities. It’s essentially communism applied to race, sex etc.It’s also a fools game. It could be argued the NBA is racist because 75% of its players are black when blacks are only 13% of the American population. The NBA’s racism has a “disparate impact” on white basketball players. Likewise, New York City’s “elite” government schools, for which admittance is based solely on a test, see over 50% of its spots taken by Asian students. Asians are of course nowhere near 50% of New York City’s population and as such it’s racist to allow Asians to have 50% of the spots in these schools. Everyone is equal after all. New York City’s elite school racism has a “disparate impact” on blacks, Hispanics and yes, even white students.

Of course the Justice Department isn’t going to accuse the NBA of racism, though the EEOC could in theory bring a case against them. New York City progressives are actively advocating racism against Asian students by pushing affirmative action in favor of black and Hispanic students but not the white students who are also under represented. The fact is that for whatever reason black athletes are better at playing basketball than white athletes. Asian students are smarter than black, white and Hispanic students in New York City. In the case of Ferguson it may very well be that blacks commit more crimes than other races. The fact that the police department makes arrests that correspond to the crimes being committed doesn’t equal racism, it equals good police work.

The Justice Department cannot cite a single example of the Ferguson police unfairly targeting black citizens. They also cannot cite a single example of a non-black citizen being given a pass in their criminal conduct because they aren’t black. All the Justice Department has is a handful of statistics that have been manipulated into a “disparate impact” argument. Their argument is absolutely foolish and ridiculous because it assumes absolutely equality among all races in all behaviors. Common sense tells us that not all races have the same traits and characteristics. These traits can be positive, such as grades in school or ability to play professional sports, or they can be negative such as criminal conduct. Even within criminal conduct, not all races commit all crimes equally. A higher percentage of white criminals commit white collar business crimes, a higher percentage of black criminals commit murder.

Eric Holder’s bogus racism accusation against the Ferguson police department sent protesters over the edge. On Wednesday night, two officers were shot during anti-police protests. The criminals who shot the officers are ultimately responsible for their own conduct. However, there is no doubt that both Holder and President Obama added fuel to the fire by crying racism without any proof. Holder has gone so far as to threaten to dismantle the entire police department. Of course he has no evidence of racism. His only evidence is that blacks are arrested 50% more than their percentage of the local population. Whether they commit 50% more crimes is never asked because with a communist style mentality it doesn’t matter. Groups of people are equal in all ways and that’s the end of the inquiry in the world of Holder and Obama. Two officers have been shot as a result, I rather suspect that if the thug who shot them is caught the Justice Department won’t be investigating any racial “hate crimes.”

Non-Political Attorney General Eric Holder Resigns

Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation yesterday. It doesn’t exactly come as a surprise, he’s been saying he would eventually resign since Obama won his second term. Nevertheless the media on both the left and right appeared shocked that Holder is leaving. Holder is one of the most politically charged Attorney General’s in American history. He came into office calling us a “nation of cowards” when it comes to race and then proceeded to use the Justice Department as his own racial gestapo. He sparred with Republicans in the House over his Fast and Furious program, refusing to provide Congress with documents. That didn’t stop NBC’s Chuck Todd from calling Holder a non-political Attorney General. Only someone who agrees with Holder would think of him as non-political.

Speculation is borderline out of control over why Holder has resigned. Perhaps the most amusing is the notion that Holder had to resign so that Obama could appoint him to the Supreme Court next year. That of course assumes that there will be a resignation or death on the court. It also assumes that the Senate would even consider confirming Holder to the Supreme Court. Considering Holder’s long standing battles with Congressional Republicans and his views on race and the law, it’s unlikely he could ever get 60 votes to close debate in the Senate. Keep in mind, the Democrats only got rid of the filibuster for lower court appointees. The filibuster remains for Supreme Court Justices and Cabinet positions. If the Republicans win in November, only the most delusional liberals and conspiratorial conservatives would expect Holder to get nominated to the Supreme Court.

There are two likely explanations for Holder’s resignation. First, he’s had some health problems. Recall he was taken to hospital last February. Second, there’s more money to be made for someone like Holder outside of the Justice Department. He’s going to be able to give six figure speeches, write a book and become a rainmaker at his old law firm working only minimal hours. He’s put in six years as Attorney General and the fact is there’s a lot of money to be made for someone who has put in that kind of time and done the sort of work he’s done for liberals. There isn’t a grand conspiracy in his resignation, not even adverse rulings in the Fast and Furious case would force someone like Holder out.

At this point the question becomes who will his replacement be. If anything the timing of the resignation is a benefit for Obama in that he’ll be able to name a replacement before Republicans take control of the Senate. Thus confirmation will take place under the Democrats. Of course, a filibuster is still in play here. Unless the Democrats decide to ditch the filibuster to force through Obama’s nominee, the President isn’t going to be able to appoint a radical like Holder without fireworks. It would hardly be surprising if Obama appoints a radical. However, he won’t be able to exploit Republican attacks on such a candidate before the November election. There’s nothing about this President that suggests he’s willing to go with someone more moderate in order to gain confirmation.

Ultimately Obama is going to pick someone similar to Holder. No doubt the replacement will be an avowed leftist. Whether the Republicans have the guts to stand up against the nominee remains to be seen. It all depends on who the candidate is. If Obama nominates a Mexican lesbian who was born in southern Californian poverty and whose parents were illegals, the Republicans will likely cave out of fear over the reaction of special interest groups. For Obama, it’s a matter of picking the leftist from the right special interest group should he actually want his nominee confirmed. Should the Republicans win in November and have the guts to…. Never mind, the Republicans never find the intestinal fortitude to fight the battles their constituents expect of them.

Stronger Independent Prosecutor Law Needed

According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) the Obama administration violated the law by swapping Gitmo terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl. The administration is required by law to notify Congress 30 days before the release of Gitmo terrorists. In addition, the GAO believes the administration violated the Anti-deficiency Act because Congress did not appropriate any money for this transfer yet the administration spent money anyway. The act prohibits the President from spending more money than appropriated, which obviously Obama did in this case as no money was appropriated. The President violated two laws for this obscene transfer of terrorists for a deserter. Of course, nothing will be done about it.

Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t about to investigate Obama over a situation like this or any situation for that matter. He has his own legal problems concerning Fast and Furious. A Federal judge ordered the Justice Department to comply with Congressional subpoenas recently. When Fast and Furious isn’t on Holder’s mind, he’s busy showing racial solidarity in Ferguson, Missouri. The chief law enforcement officer in this country can’t be bothered investigating the executive branch, he’s too busy stoking racial hatred in his investigations.

The Obama administration has provided us with solid evidence that the Federal government needs a stronger independent prosecutor law. The law was weakened considerably after the Clinton administration, despite the fact that the special prosecutor at that time secured an admission from President Clinton and a voluntary disbarment.  There are several legal issues in the Obama administration that could stand to have an independent prosecutor review. Fast and Furious is one of them, so is the transfer of terrorists for Bergdahl. The IRS scandal deserves more than a Congressional review. Whether these matters reach all the way to the President doesn’t matter, political appointees have been implicated and that alone makes their investigation worthy of independent counsel.

Eric Holder simply cannot be trusted to investigate members of the administration. The reality is that very few attorney general’s ought to be trusted to actually investigate political appointees or the White House. They all have a conflict of interest, their desire is to protect their boss and his political fortunes. Eric Holder serves at the President’s pleasure. Let’s say there’s something to the IRS scandal, that it reaches into the White House. Do you really think Holder is going to risk his job to investigate? It’s a pretty safe bet that someone from the White House will steer him away from the fire. That’s why we need an independent prosecutor.

No matter who the President is, the Federal government needs to have independent prosecutors should political appointees or the White House be implicated in a Federal crime. It is absurd that Eric Holder is responsible for his own prosecution for the crime of Contempt of Congress. There are independent people working throughout the Federal government, including the GAO. There is no reason why an independent office cannot be created for the investigation and prosecution of crimes committed by political appointees or the White House. This is so no matter who the President is, there will always be a conflict of interest involving the Attorney General and the investigation of the President. In the case of Obama, the law was violated in the terrorists for Bergdahl transfer. This needs to be investigated for criminal activity. Who wants to bet Eric Holder won’t investigate?

Affirmative Action In College Grading

W. Lee Hansen, an economics professor at the University of Wisconsin, has argued for affirmative action in grading. The distribution of grades should be based on race rather than merit according to the professor. One imagines that a certain percentage of minority and female students would be required to get A’s regardless of whether they actually achieved an A grade. It is unclear whether the same is true at the bottom of the grading scale, though considering the purposes behind the professor’s proposal it’s unlikely. This sort of proposal isn’t just racist and sexist against white men. It’s racist and sexist against the people it purports to help.

If affirmative action grading were to be put into place, white men would be limited in the number of A’s available. Thus competition between white men would increase for those limited A grades. The intellectual achievements of these men would increase, likely to the point where more deserved A grades. Unfortunately those grades wouldn’t be available to all of them as some A’s would be set aside for women and minorities who would be graded separately. Some white men would get B’s or even C’s who really did work deserving of an A. While they wouldn’t get the A grade, they would get the benefit of having put in the work for such a grade.

Meanwhile minorities and women would compete in their own competition for minority and women A’s. Most of this proposal is aimed at minorities, though one imagines it might apply to women in certain academic departments. The presumption of course is that minorities aren’t up to the intellectual challenges of college and that they can’t compete with whites. As such they need their own grading system in order to ensure they get A’s. By default the professor assumes the intellectual capabilities of a minority with an A grade are less than a white person with an A grade. After all the minority cannot even compete.

Minority drop out rates in college are much higher than whites. This is in part because of affirmative action. When schools admit minority students who are otherwise unqualified they’re setting that student up for failure. That student isn’t going to be able to keep up with the academic rigors of the school, they’re going to fall behind and drop out. If they don’t drop out, they’re going to get lower grades. This is so unnecessary for higher rated schools to do. A student unqualified at the University of Wisconsin may very well be qualified for a smaller, less academically rigorous school. Why set minorities up for failure with affirmative action?

Professor Hansen obviously sees the problem with affirmative action in admissions. Rather than acknowledge that affirmative action is bad for minorities, he compounds the problem by calling for affirmative action grading. Blacks and other minorities cannot earn A’s on their own, they have to have A’s taken away from white kids in order to get them. This move might keep minorities in school but they’ll suffer for it later. Eventually the free market is going to figure out that minorities with A’s haven’t really earned them. Those graduates will either find themselves fired from jobs that they aren’t really qualified for or they’re not going to get hired in the first place. Eric Holder will cry racism at that time but the racism occurred when those people were in college and were handed A’s because the professor assumed they weren’t capable of earning them on their own.

Eric Holder Sees A Racist In Every Principal’s Office

Attorney General Eric Holder apparently doesn’t like discipline in school. The radicals have taken over the Justice Department, claiming that minorities are “unfairly” targeted for discipline in school. Black students are three times as likely as whites to be expelled or suspended. That black students may be three times more likely than white students to commit the sort of offenses that lead to expulsion and suspension appear not to be of interest to Holder. The Attorney General wants to get rid of police officers and security at schools at the same time the government is concerned about mass shooters. None of it makes any sense outside a purely racial context.

Most of us will likely agree that school discipline has gotten a little on the ridiculous side. When a Maryland legislator proposed the Toaster Pastry Gun Freedom Act because a student was suspended for eating a pop tart into the shape of gun you know there’s a bit of a problem. There is an over zealousness on the part of government schools when it comes to guns and six year old boys making passes at six year old girls. That’s not really what Holder is after though. He’s focused more on High School students who fight or otherwise physically attack others and deal, use or have drugs at school.

If there’s a disparity between minority and white suspension rates one needs only look to the racial makeup of schools. Minorities, particularly blacks, are more likely to live in and attend failing inner city schools. Those schools routinely report discipline problems which result in massive expulsion and suspension lists. Suburban and rural schools, more white than the inner city schools, tend not to have the same problems with violence and drugs. The result is less expulsions and suspensions. The issue isn’t that a principal suspends a black kid for an offense that he would not suspend a white kid. Unfortunately Holder and the Justice Department are actively trying to convince people this is so.

Holder cares more about race than he does about education. He portrays blacks as the perpetual victim as though in 2014 they cannot control anything that happens to them. Holder and the left act like blacks are instinctual animals who cannot be held responsible for their actions rather than the rational human beings they are. The message Holder sent to black students yesterday is that they don’t have to follow the rules anymore. The President and Attorney General backs them and will protect them should the school try to discipline them. Blacks can now behave like wild animals at school, the government won’t put up with suspending them or the calling of police when they commit criminal acts.

Once again the Obama administration is failing blacks and their education. First it was attacking school choice, eliminating it in DC and filing suit against it in Louisiana and elsewhere. Now the administration is doing it again by attacking the very notion of discipline in government schools. Blacks and other minorities have a hard enough time making it through a failing government education system that focuses more on leftist propaganda than education. The administration is now making it all the more difficult by removing discipline from schools that already have discipline problems. The cynic would view this as ensuring the future of the Democrat Party by ensuring blacks and minorities remain poor and ignorant. While likely, it’s also a disaster for the kids who are at the schools and simply want to learn and get a job after they graduate. No one in the administration or Democrat Party particularly cares about them.

Transparent Obama Refuses Proper Investigations

You will be shocked to discover that Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi investigation failed to blame top State Department officials. Hillary’s investigation blamed four mid-level officials while absolving everyone close to or otherwise associated with her. No doubt you’re wondering why anyone would care why Benghazi went down the way it did, after all four Americans died. Hillary sure is wondering why anyone cares, per her testimony to Congress. Hillary’s Benghazi investigation is another in a long line of Obama administration investigations of itself. No one at the top is ever to blame for anything, it’s always the fault of career bureaucrats no one has ever heard of.

We expected Hillary to point the finger at anyone other than herself. Whether it was the administration’s lie about a You Tube video causing a riot or the failure to do anything in response to pleas for help from our consulate, we all knew Hillary would avoid blame. Surely you didn’t think that the 2016 Presidential candidate would investigate herself and admit to her own failure or the failure of people she directly hired did you? To do that would call into question her qualifications to serve as President. Hillary is after all a Clinton, she’s not politically foolish enough to do anything other than blame faceless State Department bureaucrats.

Eric Holder has done the same thing within the Justice Department. He investigated Fast and Furious even though his name appears on various subpoenas. He was personally involved in various media subpoenas, including Fox News’ James Rosen. Initially Holder suggested he wasn’t involved in the media subpoenas, until his name appeared all over them. Investigating himself, Holder determined the Justice Department didn’t do anything wrong in Fast and Furious or the media subpoenas. Holder has since supported a bill that would define what a journalist is, as though we need such a law to stop the Justice Department from harassing the press. At the end of the day, Holder never took any blame while shifting blame to bureaucrats and Congress.

The IRS spent years harassing conservative, Tea Party groups by refusing to grant them tax exempt status. Lois Lerner and Dan Shulman of the IRS investigated themselves and blamed a bunch of rouge agents in Cincinnati. Obama and company found this an acceptable excuse and tried to move on. Unfortunately emails have made it clear the upper levels of the IRS knew exactly what was going on and either ordered the targeting or created an environment where targeting conservatives was acceptable. To date neither Lerner or Shulman have blamed anyone other than career bureaucrats within the IRS. No one at the top is to blame.

The Obama administration has been anything but transparent over the last five years. They investigate themselves and declare that no political appointees or top officials are ever to blame for anything. If there is blame, it goes on the faceless bureaucracy that apparently cannot be controlled by anyone. This could be true of most administrations, it’s more glaring with Obama. The executive branch cannot investigate itself without bias. Everyone in the executive branch wants to protect themselves, their power and the power of the person who put them in their position. Most of all, they want to protect the President because in protecting him they protect themselves. There are half a dozen issues that should be in the hands of a special prosecutor, including Benghazi, the IRS scandal and a number of Justice Department scandals. We’ll never know what really happened because the Obama administration won’t allow for a proper investigation.

Obama Ignores Separation Of Powers

According to a leaked Congressional Research Service document, the Obama administration has failed to meet half the deadlines created within Obamacare. The law passed by Congress in 2010 creates dozens of deadlines, including implementation of the employer and individual mandates. By failing to meet half the deadlines, Obama has violated the law. His response ten days ago is that he can’t go to Congress and ask for changes because Washington isn’t “normal” right now. Of course when the House passed a delay for the employer mandate Obama threatened to veto it, thus suggesting that Obama doesn’t care to work with Congress. Instead Obama wants to govern by dictate and executive order.

Obama has taken the Nixon view of the Presidency. Everything the President does is legal because the President does it. This was Nixon’s view, Obama seems to share it. Delaying statutory deadlines in Obamacare is but one example of the Obama administration ignoring or unilaterally changing the law. Eric Holder at the Justice Department will no longer be charging drug dealers with crimes that result in substantial mandatory jail terms even if the government has evidence that a crime was committed. The Obama administration doesn’t like these mandatory sentences. Rather than asking Congress to reduce mandatory sentences, the administration unilaterally decided not to charge people with these crimes. So much for upholding the law.

Right before the election by executive order Obama created out of thin air regulations that essentially mirror the Dream Act which was pending in Congress. Rather than negotiate with Congress or follow the Constitution, Obama created law out of thin air. In 2012 Obama unilaterally decided that Congress wasn’t in session even though it was and even though it is Congress not the President which determines whether it is in session. By declaring Congress in recess, Obama made several appointments to the National Labor Relations Board. These are just a few examples of the lawlessness the President, an alleged Constitutional law professor, has engaged in.

Obama doesn’t want to work with Congress so long as it means working with Republicans. In 2009 he declared “I won” and then shut Republicans out of negotiations for the Stimulus. Obama set up his entire Presidency so that Republicans would be marginalized. His political advisers honestly believed that Obama would render the GOP an irrelevant, permanent minority party. Obama has governed in this manner from day one. He demands the House Republicans cave to his every demand. When they won’t, it’s their fault for creating gridlock.

Obama has no relationships with anyone in Congress, Democrat or Republican. That worked out for him adequately when the Democrats controlled all of Congress in 2009 and 2010. Even then the left was upset that more didn’t get done during those two years. They can largely blame Obama, who never bothered to create relationships in Congress and thus couldn’t draw on those relationships to get legislation passed. Now that Obama has to deal with Republicans, he’s resorted to ignoring the Constitutional separation of powers and ruling by decree and executive order. We haven’t had a President ignore the Constitution or attempt to expand the scope of the executive in this manner since Nixon.

Don’t be surprised when Obama continues to suspend portions of Obamacare or when he creates law via executive order. He isn’t going to work with Congress for the rest of his Presidency. He refuses to work with Republicans. He refuses to give the GOP an inch even if it means getting something he wants in return. Obama believes he can get what he wants through executive decree. Until the courts stop him or until Congress has the guts to stop funding the executive branch, he’ll continue to ignore separation of powers. Obama will be gone in three and a half years. His destruction of the Constitution will be long lasting.

Racial Profiling Legislation Next On Leftist Agenda

Racial profiling is going to be the next big leftist buzz term we’re going to hear over and over until something is “done” about the “crisis.” The rallying cry will be Trayvon Martin, who the left alleges was racially profiled by “white” Hispanic George Zimmerman. Having been acquitted by a Florida jury of murder and manslaughter charges, the left wants the Justice Department to bring Federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman. In the alternative, the left will demand Congress pass stringent anti-racial profiling laws that amount to little more than thought police laws.

The problem begins with the rallying cry. Trayvon Martin wasn’t profiled because he was black. We can see that in the infamous Zimmerman 911 call. Zimmerman is asked by 911 what race the alleged thug was. Zimmerman responded “I think he’s black.” If you’re racially profiling someone you don’t tell 911 you think the bad guy is black, you tell them he is black. The fact is Zimmerman wasn’t 100% sure Martin was black. He was profiling alright, criminals in the neighborhood wore hoodies and baggy clothing. However race was no factor, the 911 tape makes it clear.

The FBI seems to believe there wasn’t any racial intent on the part of Zimmerman. Such will make it difficult for Eric Holder to bring charges against Zimmerman for alleged civil rights crimes. If that happens, the left will look for a legislative way to get their pound of flesh. They’ll write an absurd racial profiling law that Republicans won’t support then they’ll Republicans racist for opposing it. Isn’t that what the point of making a story like this nation was in the first place. The new racial profiling law would convict people like Zimmmerman but you can bet that people like Martin won’t be convicted for jumping “creepy ass crackas.” It should be noted the only one using racist terminology in the Florida case was Trayvon Martin.

Government has no business trying to control what people think. If you live in a neighborhood that is being victimized by crime and all of the criminals are young black men, it isn’t wrong for you to assume that the next time someone robs a local house that a black man did it. We could substitute any race for the young black man in that example, homeowners don’t discriminate when it comes to wanting their property protected. Under a racial profiling law, it could be possible that a homeowner might be prosecuted for suggesting the latest robbery was done by someone of a particular race. What does that do for law enforcement or for safety from crime? Let’s face it, with a racial profiling law in place it’s less likely crime gets reported and it’s less likely people will talk with police.

The left truly believes that they cannot let a good crisis go to waste. These are people trained by Saul Alinsky, if a crisis doesn’t come along naturally they’ll be more than happy to create one. The Trayvon Martin death is an example of a created crisis. We have a local event that happened due to self defense that’s become a national story and part of a national debate. The left wants something, they probably want more than to perpetuate the notion that the nation is still racist and being run by the Klan. Watch for them to push racial profiling legislation in the coming months. We must make sure these bills don’t pass, they would be a disaster for law enforcement and a disaster for personal safety for all of us. (us being all Americans)